Product Liability and Issues of Jurisdiction

There has been much written about several cases from the United States Supreme Court which appear to narrow the “liberality” afforded Plaintiffs in products liability cases who claim exposure to products manufactured by out-of-state Defendants, or sold ‘into’ the state by out-of-state distributors.

EPA Announcement on Asbestos

The mini-media firestorm over the United States Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”)’s decision to no longer assess ‘in place’ asbestos may have more to do with President Trump’s historical comments about asbestos than with the effect of the actual decision.In 1987, developer Donald Trump said it was “100 percent safe” once installed, and that the effort to regulate asbestos and hold manufacturers liable was part of a conspiracy inspired by what he called mob-controlled abatement contractors.

Self-Driving Cars and the Future of the Law

Let’s face it: Everything, including your car, will be fully automated within the next decade or two. Full automation will likely increase productivity and reduce the stress of daily life.